Αρχική » Eurolife FFH: Significant performance in 2021 for group asset management plans
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Eurolife FFH: Significant performance in 2021 for group asset management plans

Eurolife FFH’s group asset management plan portfolio saw growth of 1.96% last year, reaffirming the company’s strong position in investment portfolio management. This performance is another in the line of consecutively high showings enjoyed over the years by subscribers to Eurolife FFH’s group asset management plans.

Both enterprises and their employees gain multiple benefits and advantages through group asset management plans (pension schemes). This type of benefit significantly strengthens the relation of trust between employer and human resources, while creating a work environment that fosters security and assurance in employees. Additionally, a group pension scheme offers a competitive package of rewards and tax benefits, while also serving as an incentive for increasing productivity.

With its expertise and experience in investment portfolio management, Eurolife FFH managed to achieve a significant return of 1.96%. “For us, there is value in looking out for the benefit of the people who trust us,” noted Leonidas Sideris, head of Group Insurance and Affinities at Eurolife FFH, adding that, “regardless of any challenges brought on by today’s socio-economic climate, with the experience of our people, we make sure to be at the side of those who have chosen us, offering support so they can achieve more on a daily basis.”